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Oregon school districts may request a License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) for any educator holding a Preliminary, Professional, Teacher Leader, or Reciprocal teaching license. The purpose of an LCA is to allow a school district to request mis-assignment for an educator to teach in an out-of-field subject-matter endorsement area for which the educator is not authorized to teach, while the educator completes requirements necessary either to add the subject-matter to the underlying license or to obtain a new license type. This type of license expires June 30 of the school year for which the LCA is authorized.
Language: ChineseMandarin|French|German|Japanese|Latin|Native American|Russian|Spanish|Other
State Information
State: OregonContact Name: Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC)
Contact Phone: (503) 378-3586
Contact Email: [email protected]
For more information please visit the state website:
Last updated on: January 27, 2021