Troops-to-Teachers Route (WA)

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The purpose of the program is to assist transitioning Service members with meeting the requirements necessary to become a teacher and to assist with finding employment as a teacher. The program also aims to relieve teacher shortages, primarily in Math, Science, Special Ed, Vocational-Technical, and World Languages.  All current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces may participate in the program for counseling and employment facilitation services. For participants that meet certain criteria as defined by the legislation, financial assistance may be provided (constrained on availability of funds) to eligible participants to assist with their transition to the classroom.

Language: ASL| Arabic| Chinese | Filipino|French|German|Greek|Hebrew|Italian | Japanese |Korean |Native American|Portuguese|Latin|Russian|Spanish|Swahili|Vietnamese|Other

State Information
State: Washington
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For more information please visit the state website:

Last updated on: October 5, 2021
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