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The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) requires teachers to hold a teacher license issued by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). The district has a two-tier certification system. Certification seekers who have completed an OSSE-approved teacher preparation program may apply for a Standard Credential right away. Other applicants (without any prior contracted teaching experience) are issued an Initial Credential, which is a nonrenewable certification that is issued to applicants who do not fully meet the requirements for the Standard Credential. Initial Credential can be converted to a Standard Credential after two years of successful teaching experience.  For additional information about certification, please consult the Office of the State Superintendent of Education.

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Employment Requirements: 

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State: (Map)

District of Columbia

Traditional Certification Route (DC)

Languages: Chinese-Mandarin, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish

Certificate Reciprocity Approach (Out-Of-State) (DC)

Languages: Chinese-Mandarin, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish

Foreign Credentials Approach (Out-Of-Country) (DC)

Languages: Chinese-Mandarin, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish

Added Teacher Credential Endorsement (DC)

Languages: Chinese-Mandarin, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish

Alternative Route Towards Certification (DC)

Languages: Chinese-Mandarin, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish