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Educator licenses issued by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction are based on the following license stages and tiers.  Educators who completed an approved educator preparation program for the first time in a license category (Teaching, Administrator or Pupil Services) after September 23, 2017, will be issued a Provisional Educator License (Tier II) for each license within that category.  This license is considered a Stage 2 license for the purposes of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. The next license is the Lifetime Educator License (Tier III). A Lifetime Educator License may be issued to educators who successfully completed at least six semesters of experience in the category of their provisional educator license and have completed all statutory requirements.  This license is considered a Stage 3 license for the purposes of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. The tier IV license, Master Educator License, is optional and may be issued to educators who successfully completed a National Board Certification by National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) or a Wisconsin Master Educator Assessment Process (WMEAP).  This license is considered a Stage 4 license for the purposes of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Of note to applicants seeking a license in World Languages, Wisconsin accepts the test results for Praxis II content knowledge assessment or the appropriate ACTFL world language assessment, and requires both the Oral Proficiency interview (OPI-OPIc) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT). The qualifying scores for licensure in Wisconsin on both tests are “Intermediate High.”

For additional information about certification, please, consult the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.


Web site: https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing

Contact name: Department of Public Instruction

Contact phone number: 800-266-1027

Contact email: [email protected]

Languages: Chinese|French|German|Hebrew|Italian|Japanese|Native American|Polish|Portuguese|Russian|Spanish|Other



This is a list that the state maintains of approved credentialing programs. Use this list to search for credentialing programs that fit your needs. There is a filter function on this list that displays approved language credentialing programs. The state may periodically change this list. Credential-seeking individuals must attend a program from this approved list to receive credentials in the state of Wisconsin.  https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing/epp

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