The state of Kansas allows several routes for out-of-state teachers seeking reciprocity. Traditionally prepared teachers may quality for Initial, Professional, or Accomplished license depending on their credentials and experience. Out-of-state teachers, who have earned their licensure via the alternative route in a state other than Kansas, may be eligible for a Professional License. Kansas defines the ‘alternative preparation route’ as follows: teacher preparation delivered through a means other than a university program (such as a company or school district) and/or university program does not address both content and pedagogy (such as an online university program that only delivers pedagogy. Alternative Route licensed teachers may also qualify for a Licensure Review Process (LRC) which will determine their eligibility for a teaching license. If the applicant opts to go through the LRC process, they may qualify for the Interim alternative license, which allows the licensure-seeker to teacher full time while going through the LRC process.
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Last updated on: July 2, 2021