Certificate Reciprocity Approach (Out-Of-State/Out-Of-Country)) (CO)

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If one holds or is eligible to hold a license in another state, he/she may qualify for an interim authorization, which Colorado state statute allows to be issued in certain instances when a candidate meets the degree and program requirements, but still needs to fulfill additional requirements (usually a content exam or exams) for a full Colorado license. This authorization is issued for one year and is renewable once. An individual must meet the requirements/endorsements for an initial license or alternative license, then they will either receive an initial license, professional license, or interim authorization based upon years of licensed experienced.

Language: American Sign Language|French|German|Italian|Japanese|Latin|Mandarin-Chinese|Russian|Spanish

State Information
State: Colorado
Contact Name: Educator Talent - Licensing Office
Contact Phone: 303-866-6628
Contact Email: [email protected]
For more information please visit the state website: https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/outofstateteacher

Last updated on: October 27, 2020
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