The Credential Review Pathway allows eligible individuals to pursue RI certification by following a differentiated program of study (determined by a consortium institution or RIDE).
This pathway leads to meeting RI requirements for full certification and may be pursued through either the Credential Review Consortium Institution (CRCI) or RIDE Credential Review. The highlight of the credential review pathway is that it allows educators to pursue customized programs of study based on their experience. The Credential Review pathway is offered alongside preliminary certificates and requires compliance with current RI certification requirements, including RI testing requirements. RIDE conducts credential review in a limited number of certificate areas. To determine whether the CRCI or RIDE is the appropriate route, review the CRCI Contacts and Certificate Area Listing.
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Contact Name: Rhode Island Department of Education
Contact Phone: (401) 222-8893
Contact Email: [email protected]
For more information please visit the state website:
Last updated on: March 2, 2021