Exchange/Visiting Teacher Permit (WV)

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Exchange/Visiting teachers who are non-United States citizens who participate in a program or exchange recognized and/or approved by the WVDE are granted a non-renewable Permit for Exchange/Visiting Teachers based upon verification from the partnering organization that the applicant has completed the equivalent of an approved educational personnel preparation program in the United States and in a specialization offered in West Virginia, with or without the required tests in pre-professional skills, content and/or professional education, and that the applicant has completed a degree equivalent to the required degree level in the United States. Acceptable verification may include a letter of eligibility from the partnering organization or agency and/or a report from an official foreign credential evaluation agency.

Language: ASL|Chinese-Mandarin|Farsi|Italian|Japanese|French|German|Latin|Russian|Spanish

State Information
State: West Virginia
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For more information please visit the state website:

Last updated on: October 4, 2021
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