Visiting International Teacher Permit (VITP)

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Visiting International Teacher Permit (VITP) is issued to global educators (presently, from Spain and China) who want to teach in Connecticut under a J-1 Visa. VITP is issued for one year and is renewable up to two times. For visiting teacher from Spain, teachers are expected to be fully certified in their country, holder of a master’s degree (preferred), able to show at least 3 years of teaching experience, and with backgrounds in bilingual and multicultural education. For teaching visiting from China, the candidate must hold a teaching certification, bachelor’s degree (master’s degree preferred), at least 3 years of teaching experience, and proficient in English (must pass ACTFL OPI).

Language: ASL|Arabic|French|German|Greek|Italian|Japanese|Latin|Chinese-Mandarin|Polish|Portugese|Russian|Spanish

State Information
State: Connecticut
Contact Name: Bureau of Certification
Contact Phone: 860-713-6969
Contact Email: [email protected]
For more information please visit the state website:

Last updated on: December 4, 2020
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