North Dakota

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The state of North Dakota’s educator licenses fall into two categories: Initial Licenses and Renewal Licenses. Except for the Two-Year Initial license renewal, all types of licenses require reeducation credits to renew. If an individual currently holds a Five-Year Initial or a Five-Year Renewal License, the re-education requirement is 6 semester hours of college coursework to renew. If an individual has not completed the reeducation requirements for the five-year or re-entry license, the Two-year Probationary License is issued.

For additional information about certification, please, consult the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board.


This is a list that the state maintains of approved credentialing programs. Use this list to search for credentialing programs that fit your needs. This list displays all credentialing programs (including those that are not specifically for world language teaching). The state may periodically change this list. Credential-seeking individuals must attend a program from this approved list to receive credentials in the state of North Dakota.

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