Provisional Certificate (NJ)

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This two-year certificate is requested by the employing school district for a newly hired teacher after an individual obtains a CE or CEAS and a full-time teaching position. This certificate legalizes employment. Both mentoring and supervision and evaluation are required under this certificate. Alternate route teachers will also be required to complete formal instruction. Note that an individual cannot apply for this certificate. Rather, it is the employing district that applies for this certificate on behalf of the applicant.

Language: ASL|Arabic|Chinese-Mandarin|French|German|Greek|Hebrew|Italian|Japanese|Korean|Latin|Portuguese|Russian|Spanish|Other

State Information
State: New Jersey
Contact Name: State Board of Examiners Office of Certification and Induction.
Contact Phone: 609 292-2070
Contact Email: [email protected]
For more information please visit the state website:

Last updated on: November 18, 2020
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