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In the state of Delaware there exists a meaningful distinction between a License and a Certification, and both are used in the existing educator certification system to mean different things. Getting certified in Delaware is a two-step process, in that one must hold both a License and at least one Certificate.  The License authorizes the teacher to work in a Delaware public/charter school, and the Certificate(s) identifies the area(s) in which they are authorized to teach. A Delaware educator can hold only one license type at a time depending on experience (Initial, Continuing, or Advanced); however, they can hold multiple certificates to certify their education in a specific area of expertise (Standard, Emergency, and Eligibility).

Delaware requires the prospective World Language teachers to pass a standardized assessment test to demonstrate oral and written proficiency in Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Latin and Spanish, or to achieve a minimum level of Advanced Low on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and a passing score on ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) (Advanced Low for languages using Roman alphabet; Intermediate High for languages using non-Roman alphabet) for other languages. For additional information about certification, please, consult the Delaware Department of Education.


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Employment Requirements: 

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State: (Map)


Standard Licensing Route (DE)

Languages: ASL, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, Other

Licensure Reciprocity Approach (Out-Of-State) (DE)

Languages: ASL, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, Other

Foreign Credentials Approach (Out-Of-Country) (DE)

Languages: ASL, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, Other

Alternative Routes to Certification (ARTC) (DE)

Languages: ASL, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, Other

Substitute Teaching in Lieu of Student Teaching Route (DE)

Languages: ASL, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, Other