Expedited Program Pathway (MI)

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This pathway is designed for individuals who have completed a bachelor’s degree and are native or near-native speakers of the target language. Many expedited programs are residencies, designed for individuals who are interested in being employed as full-time teachers while concurrently working toward certification. Eastern Michigan University currently offers expedited world language teacher preparation programs targeted to native or already fluent speakers in Chinese, Arabic and Other world languages, such as Korean, for which Michigan does not offer a specific endorsement. Western Michigan University and Michigan State University offer similar programs in Chinese. These programs allow appropriately documented proficiency and assessment results to count towards the content knowledge requirement. Candidates in these programs must meet all other requirements for certification, including pedagogical coursework and field experiences.

Language: Arabic|Chinese-Mandarin|French|German|Greek|Hebrew|Italian|Japanese|Latin|Native American|Spanish|Other

State Information
State: Michigan
Contact Name: Certification Unit
Contact Phone: 517-335-0505
Contact Email: [email protected]
For more information please visit the state website: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Expedited_Educator_Preparation_Programs_680224_7.pdf

Last updated on: October 20, 2020
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